Unravelled – on France Book Tours

Screen Shot 2013-11-03 at 10.28.57 AMFrance Book Tours is run by the delightful Emma Cazabonne. In this world of Facebook friends, Twitter followers, blogs and other social media, it’s not always easy to remember when you meet someone, however, I’m fairly certain Emma and I connected one day when she left a comment on A Writer of History.
So much of Unravelled’s first blog tour included guest posts written by yours truly, which meant that the pace was VERY hectic so I am looking forward to being in Emma’s hands for the next ten days.
Why tour again? Since Unravelled covers the impact of both WWI and WWII, I feel that touring during the period surrounding November 11th – Remembrance Day – is a very fitting way to honour our veterans.
I hope you agree. Here’s the line up at France Book Tours.

All are book reviews with giveaways, but I will also be interviewed at The Good Life France and Flashlight Commentary and I’m guest posting at Jorie Loves a Story.
Many thanks, Emma. I’m really looking forward to touring with you!

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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5 Responses

  1. Connecting your book to Veterans Day is a brilliant plan, and the French connection makes so much sense too. Good luck continuing to get the word out there.

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