Pictures = thousands of words

I’m in edit mode on my newest manuscript called variously Camille and Mariele, Acts of Rebellion, or A Time of Rebellion. As I go through the pages with the usual angst about whether my writing is any good, whether my publisher will like it, and whether the structure hangs together, I’ve been identifying photos that have provided inspiration.

The story begins in June 1870 in Paris and encompasses the Franco-Prussian war, the siege of Paris and the Paris Commune, events which took place from July 1870 to May 1871. Definitely a tumultuous time.

Here are a few photos relevant to the first four chapters.

Du Crecy family salon (living room) - opening scene
Du Crecy family salon (living room) – opening scene
View from the salon - beyond the trees is Parc Monceau
View from the salon – beyond the trees is Parc Monceau
gown Mariele wore when she first met Bertrand
gown Mariele wore when she first met Bertrand
Mariele's mother's bedroom - chapter 2
Mariele’s mother’s bedroom – chapter 2
A salon gathering - used in chapter 3
A salon gathering – used in chapter 3
Salon gathering - chapter 3
Salon gathering – chapter 3
Marilee's gown - a composite of these two - chapter 4
Mariele’s gown – a composite of these two – chapter 4
Chapter 4 setting is Bois de Boulogne
Chapter 4 setting is Bois de Boulogne


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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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13 Responses

    1. Thanks, Carol. I’m working on eliminating unnecessary descriptions as I have a tendency to try to include all the details!! For example, in one scene when Camille is in her father’s study (for which I have a picture), the only detail I include is a globe of the world that she remembers spinning as a child and her father telling stories about the places her finger lands on. The photos help keep my mind in the era. What did you do with your stories set in ancient times? Not so many pictures to use, I imagine.

  1. I did not realize Mariele came from a tres riche famille! That salon is superb, I assume you took the photo, where is that? Talking about period dress, I heard of a woman who wore a corset while writing a story set in the 1880’s!
    Good luck with the publishers. Do not worry, your writing is great.

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