2013 Historical Fiction Survey Results

2013 HF Survey country breakdownThe 2013 historical fiction survey ran from October 16 to November 11 and reached 2440 participants from different parts of the world.

From the World of Historical Fiction is the initial summary of survey results. The data sheds light on preferences and habits of readers and offers interesting insights to writers and others in the publishing world. Click here to access the full 23-page report.

Stay tuned for further insights as I assemble responses regarding favourite authors – more than 5000 entries to collate – and favourite blogs/online sites as well as the deeper analysis that comes from cross-tabulation of results. Best way to ‘stay tuned’ is to follow A Writer of History (see the left side column for the place to provide your email).

I am very grateful for the support of Richard Lee, founder of the Historical Novel Society, and to a number of bloggers, authors and others in the reading community who contributed ideas and publicity for this year’s survey.

I look forward to your feedback.

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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33 Responses

  1. Thanks so much Mary for all your hard work and dedication. What I took out of this is to avoid using the term “Thriller” for a Historical Novel.

  2. Thought of you this morning, Mary, when I read the Wall Street Journal lead article about what they term “The WWI Book Barrage” Big news! ! Your book is very cutting edge and great timing for your publication. Quite a lot of interest in your time period and, of course, the great war – the war to end all wars. . I am looking forward to meditating on the results of your survey. Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf.

    1. Thanks for bringing that article to my attention, Judith. And for your encouraging words. Best wishes for your writing. If you’ve read Unravelled I’d love to hear what you think 🙂

  3. What a fascinating piece of analysis – thank you! I’m glad that I’m not doing too badly in terms of potential reader demographics 🙂

  4. Very interesting, Mary–I tweeted this (@vbholmes) as you’ve compiled a lot of useful information that will be of interest to others. Many thanks for sharing your work.

  5. Thank you for doing this, Mary. I shared it with several of my writer’s groups. As an indie-published author (and otherwise), I find it interesting that readers don’t really care HOW a book is published, as long as the quality is good. That’s good to hear. 🙂 Bobbi A. Chukran, author of Lone Star Death.

  6. Mary, your survey is interesting, informative and very professionally done. I used to teach statistics to psychology students (who didn’t want to know about it!) and found your analysis to be excellent.
    I am posting a link to it in my newsletter Bobbing Around http://wp.me/P3Xihq-1
    You are welcome to send me a 200 word promo item about your book.
    bob at bobswriting.com

      1. I consider all kids to be my grandbabies. Hundreds have sent me cries for help, and somehow my words often ease their pain and steer them onto a better path in life. And I am a passionate conservationist because I want a future for them.

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