Pictures Fuel the Imagination – Part 2

On Friday I posted photos that helped me imagine the small town of Beaufort that features in Lies Told in Silence (an upcoming novel to be released next year) and Unravelled which was published in September.
The countryside around Beaufort is rolling, with ridges and occasional hilltops. Farms dotted the landscape and were essential to feed an army as well as citizens during the war. Tante Camille’s house where my characters live is a half hour walk from town, hence the surrounding countryside also features in the story. Once again, photos from a trip to France were instrumental.
Northern France 2
Beaufort countryside 2
Beaufort countryside 3
I have many more, but I’m sure you get the picture
And while I’m sharing photos, here’s another one that inspired a bit of description about Beaufort in Lies Told in Silence.Beaufort flower shop

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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