Unravelled Front Cover Drumroll please! Today is the official release day for UNRAVELLED, a journey that began in 2005 in a Hong Kong apartment and an event that has taken all my time since June of this year.
You can read the first two chapters here.
You can purchase Unravelled at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, iTunes, iBooks store, Kobo, Nook and Google Play by either clicking on one of these links or on the links in the sidebar. Print versions are available through Amazon.
So many people to thank! First and foremost, my husband Ian and children Lesley and Brian whose encouragement, love and support has meant everything to me and my mother Edythe whose stories about her parents inspired me.
I’ve had the great good fortune to have many friends who’ve read and offered comments about Unravelled or listened to me talk about my writing and other writers who’ve offered suggestions and cheered me along. There’s an old saying that it takes a village to raise a child, well, in this case it took a village to raise a novel.
And finally, the publishing process has been enriched with the support of Jenny Quinlan and Wanda Lynne Young.
My ‘baby’ is out there in the world. I hope it soars.

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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21 Responses

  1. Me too, so everyone get out there and buy and read a copy. I have done so and enjoyed the book. Best wishes and let the drums roll – Alexander of Allrighters and Ywnwab! .

  2. What a beautiful post, Mary! Have begun “Unraveled ” and am enjoying very much! Enjoy the next few weeks! Congrats!

  3. Mary, how exciting for you! Here’s hoping for brisk sales of Unravelled in both the e-version as well as hard copy. Looking forward to reading it myself, and giving the enjoyment of a new book and a brand new author, to others.

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