A few weeks ago, I listed the first ten projects itemized in Project 2025. I realize that some of my readers prefer that I stick to historical fiction, however, I can’t leave this topic until listing for you some of the other frightening objectives contained in that document. And remember, you can also check out What Does Project 2025 Say, a website created by E.T. Parker, for further details.
If you have any suggestions for topics related to historical fiction, please include them in the comments.

So, without adding any commentary, here are the objectives of P2025 that I believe are most concerning. Note that there are other objectives that will harm various groups and programs, however, I’m trying to limit myself to ‘frightening’ objectives. Note also that these are numbers assigned by E.T. Parker as he analyzed the 900-page document.
- Limit the ability of unions to protect workers’ rights. (#11)
- Nuclear proliferation (ie: expanding the US nuclear arsenal). (#15)
- Halt promotions for military officers who aren’t loyal to the P2025 agenda (#19)
- End federal oversight of election security. (#21)
- Withhold federal disaster aid from states which disagree with P2025. (#24)
- Purge government leadership on day one of the next administration and replace them with loyalists to Donald Trump. (#28)
- Unilaterally freeze any/all ongoing treaties and agreements. (#29)
- Cold war with China. (#32) plus more Trump-era tariffs on China (#37) plus Jack up tariffs on China to a point where Chinese products are no longer sold in the U.S. (#90)
- Restrict/destroy freedom of the press. (#34)
- Shut down the Dept of Education. (#38)
- Deregulate food production and discontinue any efforts towards sustainability. (#39)
- Amend Title IX such that it allows schools to legally discriminate against students (#46)
- Discontinue all federal funding into research and development of renewable energy (#48)
- Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances (#50) plus several other objectives that will undermine sustainability and mitigating climate change.
- Cut off federal funding for states which allow elective abortion (#56) and Federally ban chemical abortion medications (#57) plus a few more aimed at abortion and women’s health.
- Bring back discriminatory racial practices in affordable housing (#70)
- Terminate any FBI or DOJ investigations that are “contrary to the national interest.” (#76)
- Legalize and encourage employment-based discrimination (#78)
- Dismantle the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) (#82) which means “no more free weather forecasting, severe storm warnings, or climate monitoring”
- Reduce the tax system to two brackets of 15% and 30%, and reduce the corporate tax rate to 18% (#84)
- Repeal Dodd-Frank regulations on big banks (#86)
- Eliminate the dual mandate as it pertains to the Federal Reserve, dropping the focus on employment and focusing only on inflation. (#88)
- Further erode and eventually eliminate the separation of church of state (#89)
- Stop prosecuting violations of campaign finance law. (#94)
- Investigate and potentially prosecute companies for respecting environmental and social concerns. (#95)
Don’t forget the list from my earlier post:
- Dismantle the government
- Deregulate industry
- Deport 11 million+ immigrants
- Disengage economically from China
- Weaponize the Department of Justice
- Declare the President above the law – guess that one’s already done!
- Establish the United States as a Christian Nationalist ethno-state
- Discontinue climate change research
- Abolish the Gender Policy Council
- Legitimize discrimination
I believe that Donald Trump and the team he has nominated to support him can and likely will do severe damage to both America and the world. What do you think?

M.K. Tod writes historical fiction. Her latest novel THAT WAS THEN is a contemporary thriller. Mary’s other novels, THE ADMIRAL’S WIFE, PARIS IN RUINS, TIME AND REGRET, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Google Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on Facebook or on her website www.mktod.com.
11 Responses
Good to see you are using your forum to take on such an extraordinarily important current history topic. Steven Leibo Ph.D author of the Sino-American Tales
Many thanks, Steven. I appreciate the encouragement.
Many thanks, Steve. I keep trying to think of what I can do to make a difference. Perhaps we can use a Stonehenge analogy. Each person who helped to move those enormous stones into position helped create that incredible site.
I hope California secedes and becomes its own Republic.
Sounds like a great idea …
Thank you for your concise list. I have listened to many talks on the subject, but you have so clearly nailed it. (No rambling) Now, my question is, What are we going to do about it. Happy New Year to you. Love your blogs. Cheryl (member of WFWA)
Hi Cheryl – thanks for your encouragement. The ‘what are we going to do about it’ is a critical question. I hope various groups, associations and political organizations are already planning their tactics. Clearly the Democrats as a party need to act differently. However, it seems to me that there should be other groups that can take action – women’s groups are an obvious choice, but what about groups focused on immigrants, trade matters, climate concerns, law, unions, journalism, education, anti-Trump republicans and so on. I suppose the challenge is to bring these groups together in some fashion or to coordinate them towards a common purpose rather than having them act separately. I’m actually surprised not to hear of any such efforts going on.
Thanks for posting this. I know it takes a lot of courage to speak up these days. I truly love your writing, and now I’m a huge fan of you!
Colleen Adair Fliedner
No need to be apologetic. In a critical situation, it is everyone’s duty to speak up. Well done.
The really curious thing is that my long term project has been a series called The Sino-American Tales, Tienkuo the Heavenly Kingdom, Beyond the Heavenly Kingdom, historical novels set in the last part of the 19th century and am currently editing the 4th one in the series Under Heaven’s Watch. But what is really startling is that the historical fiction I am creating is almost exactly covering the same “who is a citizen” fear of immigrants, birthright citizenship etc. that is currently in the news today! As a long professor of World History I spent a career saying history did not repeat it rhymes but this is a bit too much!
What’s happening is truly appalling and evil on a scale we haven’t seen in a long time.