9 Tips on Blogging

Some suggest that blogging is no longer the way to build a platform or find your tribe. Some point to podcasts as the way people consume content today. But I beg to differ – although perhaps I’m a luddite – as I like the medium of text and enjoy the ease with which I can search a blog for other content once I’ve discovered it.

When I was new to blogging, I printed a list of blogging tips from Chris Garrett. He called it: 41 Blog Success Tips from 10 Years of Blogging You Can Learn Today. By the way, he’s still blogging and says that Chrisg.com is where he posts tips, thoughts and advice on the business of content creation and marketing. 

Here’s what still resonates for me after 11 years of blogging.

  • Be interesting & deliver on your promise – create fresh, valuable, entertaining, and remarkable information of value for readers. One of my blog’s taglines is ‘Welcome to the world of historical fiction’. I also state that the blog is ‘all about reading and writing historical fiction’.
  • Develop expertise – you might not be an expert when you start, but keep at it until you are and then share that expertise.
  • Share your experience – when you learn something new, tell others about it.
  • Be unique – if you’re the same as everyone else, who will visit your blog?
  • Make a great first impression – I took this to heart last year when I hired someone to help me redesign A Writer of History.
  • Build your reputation – know what you stand for and strive to consistently deliver that.
  • Interview – supplement your knowledge by interviewing experts. The blog has many interviews and guest posts.
  • Answer comments – make your audience know they are valued.
  • Make friends – developing friends is one of the pleasures of blogging.

And here are a few on Chris’ list that I need to work more on:

  • Go for keywords – find out what your readers are looking for and write about it.
  • Write compelling headlines – mine often seem rather boring!
  • Research, survey, and poll – the last survey I did was in 2018. It’s definitely time to do another one.
  • Monitor your stats – I don’t do this anymore. For a while, I look at my stats every week or so, but I tend to ignore them these days. Not sure whether this is good or bad.
  • Guest blog – I used to do this quite frequently. But these days I find it difficult to balance writing novels, the important things in life, and blogging.
  • Ask questions – more questions might like to interesting conversations about historical fiction.

A Writer of History remains a work in progress – but I’m happy knowing that the content reaches so many authors and readers and delighted with all the help I’ve had along the way.

In the spirit of asking questions, what do you think I need to do more or less of?


M.K. Tod writes historical fiction. Her latest novel is THE ADMIRAL’S WIFE, a dual timeline set in Hong Kong. Mary’s other novels, PARIS IN RUINS, TIME AND REGRET, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from AmazonNookKoboGoogle Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on FacebookTwitter and Goodreads or on her website www.mktod.com.

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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7 Responses

  1. Loved this bog. Just launched my blog and now wonder, “Now what!!!???” Love a good blog and your is one of my favorites. My HF is primarily based in early America.

  2. Thanks, Mary for your informative and easy to read blog
    about historical fiction. Yes, writing your books should be a
    priority and time for family and friends also. However,
    when time allows a post on your blog is most welcome.
    I’m nearly finished my own historical novel and my
    blog has been neglected however I am going
    to write a post as a priority when I put the last
    full-stop on the manuscript.

  3. Timing is everything, and yours is perfect. This couldn’t have been better for today’s read as I tackle my first blog post. No Pressure! Thanks posting this!

  4. Hi Mary – interesting post.
    I no longer blog – I went to Substack with a weekly essay of thoughts and archived all my previous blog posts via my website onto my Substack account.
    I have found a whole new host of interesting folk to read and new folk who kindly read my essays. I rarely write about my novels/publishing/writing because I want to engage with everyone, not just hist.fict and hist.fantasy writers and readers. I really did want to broaden the scope.
    I was nervous in the beginning but love it now, even having to turn up weekly, and I’ve met such interesting people. It was worth the move.

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