I tend to be impulsive and optimistic, and to believe I can accomplish what I set out to do. These characteristics can lead to periods of frantic activity and sleepless nights.
Case in point: At the moment I have two novels underway, a plan to publish The Admiral’s Wife at the end of April, a rebuild and rebranding of my author website and this blog, plus the need to move my elderly mother from her current seniors residence to a different one. What was I thinking?
A few days ago, I said to myself, “Self, you should retire and play more golf instead of driving yourself and your husband crazy.”
In the good old days when I had a business career and staff reporting to me, I handled such pressures by delegating. Many hands make light work, my mother would say. With a good plan and a willing team, we often achieved wonders and I was known as an excellent boss to work for (allow me just a little moment to brag!)
As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’m a planner. Every year for the last fifteen or more, I’ve created a personal plan that involves looking back at the previous year’s accomplishments and thinking ahead to the next. The plan encompasses several dimensions:

Needless to say, with all the writing-related tasks underway, the other dimensions of my life are not getting enough attention! I definitely need to regroup and remind myself what’s important “in this one wild and precious life”.
It’s time to delegate!

M.K. Tod writes historical fiction. Her latest novel, PARIS IN RUINS, is available for pre-order on Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Kobo, and Barnes&Noble. An earlier novel, TIME AND REGRET was published by Lake Union. Mary’s other novels, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Google Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads or on her website www.mktod.com.
6 Responses
Hi Mary – this is an excellent reminder to all of us that planning is important, if for no other reason than to get your thoughts organized and your priorities straight! I used to do five-year plans but now it’s down to ‘next six months’ haha! take time to smell those roses!
I enjoy your oh-so-human difficulties, having my own share of inattention, lack of time, prioritizing, and planning.. Reading blogs like this and others, all the interests I have, keep me from doing what needs to be done in isolation, the very oppposite of my life and inclinations. Thanks for the thoughts, and inspiration.
You are so very welcome, Judith.
I get the push and pull issues, the claims on your time and on yourself. I know what it’s like to have few fingers and many pies. And then there’s that cold wind at your back, whispering sometimes, roaring more often, that you’re running late, that deadlines loom, that you probably aren’t Going to Get It All Done.
But… you can and you will. Make a list. Check things off, but not everything. Some is always better than none.
And the best reminder of all? Don’t think about all that you have to do, or want to do, or a combination of both–you know, one from Column A, two from Column B.
However you manage, I will say this: you must write. You must publish. Don’t make me come to Canada and get all in your face!
Thanks, Maggie. I would love to see you in Canada! Be well.
This is a great reminder for us all. Delegating and remember we “can only do so much and that is okay”. Thank you for your thoughts!