One of our special guests at the HNS North America 2021 conference was Libbie Hawker. Libbie is a prolific and excellent writer with many novels to her credit. A recent favourite for me is The Ragged Edge of Night under the pen name Olivia Hawker. But I digress. Libbie put on two master classes, one called Take Off Your Pants and the other called Making It In Historical Fiction. Both were very well attended and received.
Libbie’s master class, Take Off Your Pants, was based on the advice packed into her book by the same name. The subtitle is “Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing”. After writing my first novel by the seat of my pants – what folks call a pantser – I adopted an outlining technique cobbled together from a few sources such as Elizabeth George’s Write Away. But Libbie’s advice has added another important layer that I plan to incorporate in the next novel (whatever that is!)
During the three-hour class, Libbie spent most of her time taking us through the outlining technique using a simple document which she develops for each main POV character.

What stood out for me?
- the notion of specifically identifying the main character’s flaw, something that is a deep, personal flaw and a source of tension for the MC; something that makes interactions with others difficult
- the need for the main character to recognize and acknowledge his/her external goal
- finding a way early to to display the MC’s flaw
- defining an ally for your main character who is someone that helps the MC at their most difficult moment and forces them back onto their path; someone who has power to move the MC’s heart; someone they always say yes to
- the external goal is something a main character will obsess about, a goal that will compel them throughout the story; a goal that will push the story forward
- identifying a theme that will help determine scenes that should be in the story; a unifying concept for the book that isn’t too broad and sweeping and that applies to all main characters in the novel
Libbie uses the outline to help build pacing into the novel and to create the sense of urgency that keeps readers wanting to find out what happens. With more than one main character, Libbie encourages writers to use different colours for each character so that when you weave the beats together, you can see which character is carrying the story at which points of time.
This is a very cursory look at Take Off Your Pants. Based on the master class, I feel there is something in Libbie’s book for every writer no matter what stage you’re at in your career. I’ve already purchased my copy!
Take Off Your Pants by Libbie Hawker ~~ When it comes to writing books, are you a “plotter” or a “pantser?” Is one method really better than the other?

In this instructional ebook, author Libbie Hawker explains the benefits and technique of planning a story before you begin to write. She’ll show you how to develop a foolproof character arc and plot, how to pace any book for a can’t-put-down reading experience, and how to ensure that your stories are complete and satisfying without wasting time or words.
Hawker’s outlining technique works no matter what genre you write, and no matter the age of your audience. If you want to improve your writing speed, increase your backlist, and ensure a quality book before you even write the first word, this is the how-to book for you.

M.K. Tod writes historical fiction. Her latest novel, PARIS IN RUINS, is available on Amazon US, Amazon Canada, Kobo, and Barnes&Noble. An earlier novel, TIME AND REGRET was published by Lake Union. Mary’s other novels, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Google Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads or on her website
5 Responses
Definitely sounds like a book I need. Thanks for the information.
You are very welcome, Janet!
Reblogged this on Sharon E. Cathcart and commented:
Frankly, I’m a “plantser.” I know my beats, and where I want the story to finish up (sometimes I write the end first). But I’ve also learned that characters may go to unexpected — and sometimes better — places than I’d anticipated, and I’m good with that. Here’s a brief look at a different method from my own.
I have plantsed my way through my first novel length manuscript, a mystery novel. I did have a bit of an outline from a class I took with Rebecca Demarest. So it wasn’t completely pantsed. I just set off to write at a Camp NaNoWriMo and see if I could even write a manuscript that would be novel length. I mostly finished the manuscript.
Then I ran across Libby Hawker’s Take Off Your Pants. I decided I would use Hawker’s outlining method on what I wrote. I wanted to see if I could fathom my way through it.
Now I wonder if I should edit the manuscript as I wrote it or do a full rewrite with the outlining method. Choices. Choices. 🙂