Book blogging in Iran

Several months ago, when I asked for people willing to be interviewed about their book blogs or bookstagram activities, identical twins from Iran got in touch with me. As it turns out, they don’t currently have a blog, however, they do belong to an English book club and are planning to create a blog. With what is going on in our world right now (!!), it’s encouraging to hear what these women have to say.

The sign advertises English Book Club

Why did you start blogging about or featuring books?

To be honest, we didn’t have enough information about blogging. We express our warm thanks to Mary for informing us and giving us this opportunity to start our own blog and read various books. That’s why we have decided to start our own blog. Thanks to her, we have this chance to connect with other readers.

What type of books appeal to you and why?

Honestly, English is our favourite language and we read a huge selection of books and articles in English. In other words, the books help us feel better and develop our minds. Certainly, the ones that have much more depth. Gaining different experience from various books is really enjoyable. We like reading the book even holding it altogether. We are highly fascinated to read and share the joy of reading with our  friends.

Do you concentrate on a specific genre? If so, can you tell us a bit about your passion?

We’re into historical fiction. In addition to it, romance and non-fiction book genres are our favourite. Above all, we’re willing to read all genres but hardly read horror.

Who are your readers and followers? How do you engage with them? [These comments refer to the English book club.]

Followers and visitors are a group of lovely readers who are passionate about reading, discussing and being informed. It’s noteworthy that some of the people join us since they are interested in English books and learning English. Likewise, some decide to follow us out of curiosity. Honestly, the book club aroused a lot of curiosity among Iranian people. Actually, it’s the first in Iran. We’re greatly interested in following other post links. We do hope they follow us.

What ways do you use to attract new readers and followers?

Via indirect story post and reading ecosystem. Above all, we have a growing interest in introducing  books through acting. We ourselves enjoy reading and sharing such posts more. Just share our happiness and joy of reading. Hope others enjoy.

How do you interact with authors and publicists?

On Instagram, social networks, post office and email. Likewise, we feel honoured and proud when we interact  with such lovely people. Our words fail to express our feelings when they contact us. Our top priority in the book club is writing an open letter to the authors of the select book. Then, we send the members’ letters to the authors by email. Actually, it planted the seed of interest for the members of book club. It’s noteworthy that childrens’ letters for the book “The Fire Eaters” were sent to Professor David Almond and his kind response was an amazing event.

Yalda is a celebration of the winter solstice

What trends or changes have you noticed in the book world?

We’ve noticed  that young children in addition to old readers are big fans of books and interested in book club. Therefore, it motivates young readers to start reading. To the best of our knowledge, smart phones keep children from reading. So that sharing the books through videos would be useful and motivate them to keep reading.

If you could wave your magic wand, what would you change about the book industry?

Nowadays, books are so expensive. In addition, the access is not easy, especially, in Iran. Finding a way to solve this problem would be highly appreciated. Another thing would be sharing the books from bookcases since even holding a book puts everybody in the mood for reading.

Dear twins – I’m so delighted you took the time to connect with me and with the audience of A Writer of History. I know my readers will be very intrigued! When you do start your blog, please send me a link so I can publicize it.


M.K. Tod writes historical fiction. Her latest novel, TIME AND REGRET was published by Lake Union. Mary’s other novels, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from Amazon, NookKoboGoogle Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads or on her website

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The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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13 Responses

  1. How timely, Mary. The power of the written word across distance and cultures. This column is a public service and a hopeful step in peace-building. Thanks for all you do. Chris

  2. I am the author of Mountain of Full Moons, a novel that takes place in ancient Palestine. It will be out in April.
    Irene Kessler captures the flavor and feel of the ancient world and makes the spiritual journey of a remarkable woman into something alive, earthy and incredibly vivid. Joyce Sweeney

    The feminist struggle for freedom, independence and equality have been going on for centuries, as Irene Kessler depicts in her fascinating historical novel set in ancient Palestine. There are many aspects of Elisha’s fight to have the life she feels is rightfully hers that will ring true today for many readers. The events, the people, the society of that time is at once familiar but also unknowable. Take the journey with Elisha. You will not be sorry. Marcia Lamel
    I am interested in an interview.

  3. Thank you for sharing that story. I love to learn there is such a book club in Iran. I love their enthusiasm and the fact that they especially like to read historical fiction! If I ever get my novel published, perhaps they’ll read it!

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