When dithering descends

I have this thing I do when my mind is muddled, my direction uncertain, and reality is not quite as hoped – I clean my desk and files. Somehow an orderly work place – the alcove in my bedroom – helps me refocus.

Writing wise, the past year has been challenging. I know I’ve moaned about this before so I’ll give the quick version: manuscript rejected by my publisher, agent can’t find a home for it, new book proposal also rejected by the same publisher. That’s over two years of work in limbo, folks. Confidence is serious whacked at this point.

At the moment, the bedroom is littered with piles of paper, file folders placed on the floor, the bed, the desk as I sort through three years of stuff. And here, dear readers, is the point. I’ve just come across the letter my editor sent when she first reviewed Time and Regret. I’ll share a few bits with you and hope you’ll understand the reason for doing so.

“Time and Regret is a marvellous novel!” – yes, she did include an exclamation mark.

“I love the way the narrative slowly builds and the mystery unfolds over the course of the book just as much as I love the way you slowly develop relationships and so much careful history between all the characters.”

“You have a beautiful writing style, and the mixture of dialogue and narrative seems perfectly balanced.”

“The pacing in the book is truly wonderful, and pulls the reader right along throughout the entire novel – clearly I was captivated since I stayed up till midnight to finish it!”

OK – enough about me. Back to clearing the decks so I can get to work. Thanks for listening.

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M.K. Tod writes historical fiction. Her latest novel, TIME AND REGRET was published by Lake Union. Mary’s other novels, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from Amazon, NookKoboGoogle Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads or on her website www.mktod.com.

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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14 Responses

    1. Thanks, Chris. Writing area is much better organized now and I feel better. Actually got down to some editing yesterday. Today I’m going to do some marketing! Hope all is well with yours.

    1. Many thanks DS … I’m at the point with novel 4 that I’m seriously considering self-publishing. For some reason publishers aren’t interested in 1870s Paris when all sorts of war and rebellion took place. So stayed tuned for a new novel 🙂

  1. Thinking of you, I’ve been told rejection letters are character building, but sometimes I think I’d rather have less character:)

  2. It sure helps to read the positive notes periodically. Recharges the batteries and counteracts the bad news we all get.
    More good news will come, I’m sure — and I hope soon!

  3. Finding treasures among dusty cobwebs or reams of chaos is just about worth the effort to organize. Keep discovering the treasures and let them lead you to others.

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