Time and Regret – Release Day!

Dear friends … I’m so excited to announce the release of Time and Regret.


It’s been a labour of love that has benefitted so much from the support of readers like you and from many other generous and talented people.

First and foremost, Time and Regret would not exist without my husband Ian’s creativity and critical eye for a good mystery. He’s been my muse at every critical step.

A shoutout to beta readers: Margaret Evans Porter, Douglas Burcham, Kris Holtan, and Glenn Stephens.

Grateful thanks to those who offered endorsements: Holly Smith Managing Editor of the Washington Independent Review of Books; Margaret Porter, author of A Pledge of Better Times; Juliet Grey, author of the Marie Antoinette trilogy; Anne Fortier, author of Juliet; and, Elizabeth St. John, author of The Lady of the Tower.

The team at Lake Union Publishing has been fabulous to work with – specific thanks to Miriam Juskowicz, Amara Holstein and Jodi Warshaw. And I also want to thank my freelance editor Jenny Quinlan for the great work she has done on each of my novels.

Time and Regret by M.K. Tod – When Grace Hansen finds a box belonging to her beloved grandfather, she has no idea it holds the key to his past—and to long buried secrets. In the box are his World War I diaries and a cryptic note addressed to her. Determine to solve her grandfather’s puzzle, Grace follows his diary entries across towns and battle sites in northern France, where she becomes increasingly drawn to a charming French man—and suddenly aware that someone is following her.

From her grandfather’s vivid writing and Grace’s own travels, a picture emerges of a many very unlike the one who raised her: one who watched countless friends and loved ones die horrifically in battle; one who lived a life of regret. But her grandfather wasn’t the only one harbouring secrets, and the more Grace learns about her family, the less she thinks she can trust them.

Available at Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.UK, and other Amazon sites as well as Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound.

Time and Regret will be on tour with Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours from August 16-31 and with France Book Tours from September 1-10.

PS – feel free to spread the word

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M.K. Tod writes historical fiction and blogs about all aspects of the genre at A Writer of History. Her latest novel, TIME AND REGRET was published by Lake Union on August 16, 2016. Mary’s other novels, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from Amazon, NookKoboGoogle Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads or on her website www.mktod.com.

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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17 Responses

  1. Hi, Mary, I’m so excited about your launch. Wishing you all the success you so richly deserve.

    I see you’re doing a virtual book tour. I had good success with the tour I booked with them when I launched Go Away Home as an indie book. Is this an investment you’re making or is Lake Union picking up the cost? If it’s not too nosey of me to ask.

    FYI, I’m using Jenny Quinlan to do a developmental edit of my novel before sending the manuscript to Lake Union. It will give me confidence and hopefully encourage them to pick it up.


    Carol Bodensteiner 515-224-4582 515-771-6675 (cell) carol.bodensteiner@gmail.com http://www.carolbodensteiner.com


  2. Hi, Mary, I’m so excited for you…and heres wishing you all the success you so richly deserve.

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