Mystery + War + Romance

TodMK-TimeandRegret-22790-CV-FTWill that be one scoop, two scoops or three?

No, this is not a post about ice cream. But, if you enjoy mysteries with a small scoop of romance and a large scoop of historical fiction, then TIME AND REGRET should be your kind of novel.

But don’t rely on my opinion. Five individuals have already given their thumbs up.

With fluid prose and a keen eye for detail, M.K. Tod takes readers on a decades-spanning journey of wartime loss, family secret and ultimately, redemption.” – Holly Smith, Managing Editor, Washington Independent Review of Books


Spiced with mystery and a spark of romance, Time and Regret is an immersive journey into one man’s brave but terrifying slog through the killing fields of France and Flanders during World War I. Tod’s prose brims with exquisite atmospheric detail, drawing the reader into an unforgettable story. – Juliet Grey, author of the Marie Antoinette trilogy


Time and Regret, equally captivating and suspenseful, presents well-drawn characters who strive to resolve past mysteries and overcome present obstacles. M.K. Tod is an impressively gifted storyteller who creates relatable conflicts and believable dangers. Highly recommended. – Margaret Porter, author of A Pledge of Better Times


Time and Regret is something as rare as a treasure hunt with heart. Between the gritty trenches of World War I, the romantic allure of present-day France, and the cut-throat New York arts scene, M.K. Tod has spun a gripping family drama that delves deeply into the effects of war on the human soul and takes us on an intriguing journey of self-discovery. It is a book rich in hard-won wisdom and crucial historical insights, and Tod’s perceptive voice leads us unfalteringly through some of the darkest chapters in human history to a very satisfying conclusion. Anne Fortier, author of Juliet


Time and Regret is a hugely satisfying novel that is rich in detail with multiple layers and perfectly paced. I found it impossible to put down. Elizabeth St. John, author of The Lady of the Tower

Time and Regret releases August 16 in ebook, paperback and audio versions. You can preorder it on Amazon.

P.S. – don’t hesitate to spread the word

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M.K. Tod writes historical fiction and blogs about all aspects of the genre at A Writer of History. Her latest novel, TIME AND REGRET will be published by Lake Union on August 16, 2016. Mary’s other novels, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE and UNRAVELLED are available from Amazon, NookKoboGoogle Play and iTunes. She can be contacted on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads or on her website

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The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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4 Responses

  1. Congrats on the new book, Mary! And kudos for getting 5 pre-release reviews! (did you do that or did Lake Union? Just curious 😉

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