2015 A Year of Reading – Part 2

Books read 2015On January 6th, I posted 24 of the 40 books read during 2015. So today I’m including the balance using the same rating system: LR = light, enjoyable read; GR = good, several caveats; ER = excellent, few caveats; OR = outstanding; DNF = did not finish; NMT = not my type.

In the process of writing this post, I’ve discovered two additional books read this year. You’ll see them listed at the end.

June The Dream Lover Elizabeth Berg GR Novel about George Sand; back and forth timeline was confusing; events felt repetitive
Mademoiselle Chanel C.W. Gortner ER Coco Chanel in all her glories and contradictions; not quite as compelling as The Queen’s Vow or The Last Queen
Will Poole’s Island Tim Weed ER In 17th century New England, a young man meets a visionary native; Excellent historical fiction
July Death of a Century Daniel Robinson NMT Read for an HNS feature; poorly written
Aug The Ashford Affair Lauren Willig ER A woman uncovers a family mystery; well written page turner
Claude & Camille Stephanie Cowell ER Claude Monet and his first wife Camille; great historical detail of impressionist era
Children of War Martin Walker LR Mystery set in Dordogne; lots of twists and turns; read as audiobook
The Children Act Ian McEwan ER McEwan is a superb writer; this is a poignant tale that is hard to put down
Sept H is For Hawk Helen MacDonald NMT Book club read; memoir; way too much detail on goshawks
Elizabeth I Margaret George OR Elizabeth I in her later years; superb characters and history; the second half is particularly compelling
Oct The Muralist B.A. Shapiro GR Art and intrigue at the beginnings of WWII; distracting dual time structure and multiple voices
Nov Mr. Churchill’s Secretary Susan Elia MacNeal LR Whodunit set in WWI England
Power Play Danielle Steele NMT I’m sure there are fans of Danielle Steele but I’m not one of them; trite and simplistic
The Golden Child Penelope Fitzgerald DNF Quirky people employed at a British museum
Dec Circling the Sun Paula McLain ER Based on the life of Beryl Clutterbuck the first woman to fly across the Atlantic; well written; rich characters & setting
The Secret Chord Geraldine Brooks OR The life of the biblical King David as told by his prophet Natan; historically captivating
Oops– forgot these Purity Jonathan Franzen DNF Annoying characters and thin plot; guess I’m not a Franzen fan
The Lover’s Path Kris Waldherr LR Novella told like a fable

2016 is off to the races with Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins, The House I Loved by Tatiana de Rosnay, At the Existentialist Cafe by Sarah Blakewell which I began in late November, and Paris Reborn by Stephane Kirkland.

Wishing everyone a great year of reading.

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M.K. Tod writes historical fiction and blogs about all aspects of the genre at A Writer of History. Her latest novel, LIES TOLD IN SILENCE is set in WWI France and is available from Amazon, NookKoboGoogle Play and iTunes. Her debut novel, UNRAVELLED: Two wars. Two affairs. One marriage. is also available from these retailers.

Mary can be contacted on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

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The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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8 Responses

  1. Thank you, this is a great help. I’m currently reading a book by Jeanne Bourin, Les Peregrines. I’ve read several of her and find them very good. Her stories are from the women’s point of view, she writes 11th- 13th centuries.

    1. Hi Daniella – many thanks for your comment and your suggestion of Jeanne Bourin. I’ve never heard of this author however, based on the title I suspect she writes in French and my French is definitely not good enough for that!! Happy reading.

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