Looking for Readers of Historical Fiction

Source: Beyond the Elements of Style
Source: Beyond the Elements of Style

Surveys provide data. Interviews enrich data with context and depth, specifics and anecdotes.

I’ve interviewed many authors on A Writer of History and several bloggers but I have yet to interview readers. This post is an appeal for readers willing to answer questions about their reading experiences, their motivations for reading, what they seek from historical fiction, what turns them on (about reading, of course), how and when they read and so on.

I’m not looking for writers who read or bloggers who read but rather regular readers, with an interest in historical fiction.

If you are interested please send me an email: mktod [at] bell [dot] net. If you are a writer or blogger please consider passing my request on to someone you know.

I will offer an e-book copy of Unravelled: Two wars. Two affairs. One marriage. to those I interview.

Many thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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16 Responses

  1. Hi Mary,

    I have just received your request for readers who enjoy historical novels to get in touch with you. I am a widow and a pensioner living alone so I do a fair bit of reading.

    This has always been my favourite genre of all. At teacher’s Training College I took English Literature as my Main Subject and chose for my final dissertation to compare Rosemary Sutcliffe’s novels with those of Henry Treece. From my teens I read avidly the novels written by the above, plus Jean Plaidy, Anya Seton, Georgette Heyer  and Taylor Caldwell plus  the classics such as Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice to mention but a few.

    I downloaded your own novel “Unravelled” during January this year and will be reading it in the near future. My most favourite writers of historical fiction these days include Sharon Penman, Helen Hollick, Elizabeth Chadwick, Bernard Cornwell, Wilbur Smith and C.S.Forester. There are many more on my shelves though. My wish list too is a very long one (smiles)

    Thank you  for offering this chance to some readers of your choice and whoever you decide upon it will be really interesting to hear of other readers favourites and all the whys and wherefores in connection with historical novels and their popularity.  (I was unable to send this message using the email address you have given in your own mail)

    Best wishes Leila Wilson (Mrs)

  2. Hi Mary. I would be interested in taking part in your survey. I have already read your book “Unravelled” and I really enjoyed it.

    1. I’m so pleased you enjoyed Unravelled, Denise. I’ll get back to you on the interviews! Since you’ve read Unravelled, perhaps I can offer my latest novel instead – to be published in May.

  3. I am so interested in your line of inquiry. I wonder if book review bloggers would be a source of reader references? Perhaps run a small post asking book readers if they would like to participate in some way and send a link to your site? Might get many more than you wish but it would be going directly to one of the main sources of information for readers (or so I imagine). And authors need not apply. Although we are great readers we have too many links with other authors.

    1. Interesting thought, Judith. A few have spread the word. I already have about 10 volunteers … so I can start with that. If you have any suggestions for questions, please let me know.

      1. It seems the essential question is where do you look for book s,closely followed by what influences your purchase – reviews?I think I am not adding anything new to your question about readers but I wonder a lot about this as I spend more time in facebook virtual communities. I suspect this is preaching to the choir (except for the reviewer blogs, and I believe they need our feedback as much as potential readers do)) I am building up steam to master Goodreads and place more energy/time there. And time is what I have less and less of. It is devilishly easy to get lost on Facebook. I am thinking about going on a diet :one hour in the morning (email and Facebook) and a half hour in the evening. Not very helpful to you as I am rambling with top of my mind thoughts.

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