Unravelled : “A passionate, unmissable read.”

Helen Hollick, UK Indie Editor for the Historical Novel Society has selected Unravelled as Editor’s Choice. Helen calls Unravelled ‘a passionate, unmissable read’.

I’m incredibly excited about this news. Thank you, Helen, for the honour.

This moving novel is an emotional ride through memories, both harsh and cruel and loving and gentle. Expertly written and researched, the sights, sounds, smells, and experiences of those young men during a time of unimaginable horrors is brought vividly to life.

Beyond the story and writing style, Helen cites the professionalism of the novel as a distinguishing factor.

There is an abundance of superbly written detail woven into the story, done with skill and compassion. In addition, the presentation of the book is on a par with any mainstream published book, from the quality of the cover to the layout of text; this is how all indie published books should look and feel: professional.

I have Jenny Quinlan to thank for editing support and cover design and my husband Ian to thank for the interior design of the book.

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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