Birthing a Book

On Tuesday author proofs arrived from Createspace. The feeling of holding my own book was incredible and I haven’t come down from that high yet.
Unravelled Proof copies
Of course there’s more work to be done. The production department (aka my husband) has to organize e-books for Kobo, iTunes, Google and possibly Nook; get the Search Inside feature working, follow up with the Canadian printer we are using, create an author profile on Amazon Author Central and find out where we can send a press release.
The marketing department (yours truly) is working with Wanda Lynne Young to develop a blog tour, a press release, get initial reviews up on Amazon, make some changes to A Writer of History and other tasks.
I’m drawing an analogy to childbirth. The author proofs are like an ultrasound. The remaining work to be done is like labour but the outcome will be worth it – I’m expecting years of joy!

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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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16 Responses

  1. M.K. – I’m thrilled right along with you! The book looks fabulous. Your analogy to childbirth is right on. We forget all the pain once we have that beautiful baby in our hands.

  2. M.K.
    I’m following your publishing process with great interest and I am intrigued by your comment that you had Createspace produce the book but you’re looking for a Canadian printer. Will you share how that works? I assumed that if you went with Createspace you were doing POD. Or had to use them for print books. Not so? And if you don’t use them for print copies, you’ll need another ISBN#. True?
    And another question. Your book looks substantial, e.g. 350+ pages. How long is it? I ask because my manuscript is sitting at 110,000 words and I’m anxious about being too long.
    FYI, I followed up Jenny Q and plan to use her for my cover design and perhaps editing. Your cover is fabulous.
    Thanks! Carol
    Carol Bodensteiner 515-224-4582 515-771-6675 (cell)

  3. Great, I am running slightly behind you having just sent final proofs back on – Ywnwab! – to my printer on Wednesday. Some great feelings … but the time over head post one’s creative writing is enormous, as you and others will know. Why do I keep noticing all those little glitches the… without the extra space, the joyof without the space, the gremlins which have crept in after agreeing all of a section is correct. The other area I whooped with joy about is getting the permissions for using locations and quotes from people and organisations who also wish me well – not the ones who wanted money … they have been told sorry no when I am not expecting to make any money from writing. I am longing to know where the stone women is in real life. Best wishes. Alexander.

  4. Expect more years of hard work. It’s the raising of the child that causes the hair to turn grey, not the birthing of the child. But enjoy this special time. You’ll always remember these days with fondness. Cheers!

  5. It must be a fantastic feeling to hold you book at last! Congratulations on the milestone (even though there’s still a lot of work ahead!)

  6. Congratulations on reaching this stage. I’m looking forward to experiencing this day myself! My historical novel isn’t coming out for a few months yet, but the designer at my publisher has been sending me mock ups of the cover to comment on, so it’s starting to feel real.

    1. Yes, exiting stuff especially with Mary’s book now on sale – I am awaiting the printed copies of my first book Ywnwab! to arrive this week. I like the side colours of your web site – best wishes for further progress – Alexander

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