
Last week I built a website, a simple one that features my author name and gives readers a place to check me out while giving me a more permanent place for information about my novels and such.

Many of you will know I’ve invested a lot of time in building this blog, offering content with a particular focus on readers and writers of historical fiction. A Writer of History will remain the primary venue for sharing information, however, with a novel soon to be published by Lake Union and two other novels ‘out there’, it seems more than sensible to create a landing spot for queries about M.K. Tod.

So here it is … and I would be very grateful for your feedback. Should you choose to publicize it in any way, I would be very grateful for that too 🙂


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Meet M.K.Tod

The historical fiction author behind A Writer of History...

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11 Responses

  1. That’s so funny because I’m setting up a replacement blog right now. Much as I’ve enjoyed my Twig blog, I want to be able to talk more widely about reading and writing. Off to check out your website now.

  2. It’s a nice website, and I found out about it a few days ago when I clicked on the link on your Goodreads author page. The only thing is that the site does not yet appear on the first page of Google searches when searching for “M.K.Tod”. I guess it’s normal and it will take a bit of time for it to move up, but maybe it would help if you add some extra keywords in WordPress and other SEO tricks 🙂

  3. Mary I think your website looks great! It is very clean and well organized and interesting. I see you are using, which I use as well. If there is anything I can help you with, let me know. I’m happy to pay back a little for all that you have done for writers! T.K.

    T.K. Thorne

    Signup for my private email list: TK’s Korner

    Blogging at: What Moves Me—Whales to Whirling Dervishes

    Facebook Page: T.K. Thorne

    Twitter: @tkthorne 

    Your personal recommendation is the best way to help a writer! Thank you!


  4. Mary, the new blog looks awesome!
    You know, I’ve just done the same thing: I’ve created a site for my book separated from my blog.
    Are you self-hosted? On my site, I have a plugin that automatically redirect to my blog when clicking on ‘blog’. I thought you might want to do the same thing. Just let me know 😉

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