Today’s post is an appeal to hear from those who consider themselves ‘second career authors’.
During the past year or so, I’ve noticed a lot of fiction authors who have had extensive careers before turning to writing. They were lawyers, actors, real estate agents, teachers, business people, librarians and others who have either abandoned their first careers to write or have switched to part-time in order to focus significant effort on writing.
I don’t mean people whose writing is really an extension of their careers – usually this is a non-fiction crowd – but people who are absorbed in something very different from their prior occupation. I put myself in this category having abandoned a thirty year career in business to write historical fiction.
If you fit in this category and would be willing to be interviewed, I’d love to hear from you at mktod [at] bell [dot] net.
2 Responses
Would you be interested in a fifth-career fiction author? I’ve already gone through careers as a federal civil servant, a military officer, an advertising/PR consultant, and a computer programmer/architect. Now working on my second novel having already published two memoirs, a novella, and a work of nonfiction.
Thanks, Jack. I’ll count you in!