Having conducted and posted about three separate reader surveys, I thought it might be useful to bring together some of the posts that have attracted the most interest.
First, the survey reports themselves from 2015, 2013 and 2012.
Favourite historical fiction authors from 2015, 2013, 2012.
Favourite Reading Oriented Sites where readers go to discover and discuss books
Favourite Historical Fiction conducted for the first time in the 2015 survey
Gender differences played out in many ways – from the 2013 survey Men Have Their Say on Favourite Historical Fiction Authors and Reading Historical Fiction Varies by Gender while from the 2012 survey Historical Fiction Survey – She Says, He Says
Historical Fiction Would be Better If offers a look at what detracts readers from their enjoyment of historical fiction.
Reading Historical Fiction Varies by Country Part I and Part II
A recent look at boomer readers prompted much interest. More broadly there’s this post on Age Makes a Difference.
Historical Fiction Preferences – Publishers vs Readers a look at the eras being published compared with the eras readers prefer
A Reader’s Paradise – 312 reading blogs and sites mentioned in the 2013 survey plus Four Top Book Blogs from the 2012 survey